Friday, July 25, 2008

rEgatta rEsults

Hey Gang,
On Thursday we held the 4th annual rEvolution rEgatta.(thats not a typo thats how its spelled) This is our longest running corporate regatta, and one of the best of the year.

I would like to thank John Rowady... for allowing Lynn Clemens, Kent Thomas, Judy Massuda, Will Pendleton, and myself to beat him at his own game! I believe the odds for a Royal team victory were set at about 100/1; in retrospect our only mistake was not taking those odds. Great job Royal team you will all be receiving a free sailing lesson for two people. Keep an eye on your inbox for details.

As for the white team........
Larry Mann
Darren Lachtman
Tom Walsh
Alfred Chu
I am going to offer you a free lesson as well.
You need them.

Thanks to everyone else for a great regatta. You are all eligible for a discounted rate on sailing lessons:

3 lessons-$200 regularly $290

I would like to thank my skippers and crew for running a good fast, and safe race.

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